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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit 330abf8b authored by Christopher Randolph Rhodes's avatar Christopher Randolph Rhodes
Browse files

Roughed in chaetoceros project

parent 67e20ac1
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File moved
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
def draw_boxes_on_2d_image(img, boxes, **kwargs):
pilimg = Image.fromarray(np.copy(img)) # drawing modifies array in-place
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pilimg)
font_size = kwargs.get('font_size', 18)
linewidth = kwargs.get('linewidth', 4)
draw.font = ImageFont.truetype(font="arial.ttf", size=font_size)
for box in boxes:
y0 = box['info'].y0
y1 = box['info'].y1
x0 = box['info'].x0
x1 = box['info'].x1
xm = round((x0 + x1) / 2)
la = box['info'].label
zi = box['info'].zi
draw.rectangle([(x0, y0), (x1, y1)], outline='white', width=linewidth)
if kwargs.get('add_label') is True:
draw.text((xm, y0), f'Z{zi:04d}-L{la:04d}', fill='white', anchor='mb')
return pilimg
def generate_patches(
desc, stack, boxes, rescale_clip=0.0,
proj=lambda x: x.max(axis=0),
patch_dir = root / 'output' / 'patches' / desc
patch_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for box in boxes:
obj = box['info']
sl = box['slice']
rbb = box['relative_bounding_box']
patch = proj(stack[sl])
patch_fname = f'{prefix}-la{obj.label:04d}-zi{obj.zi:04d}'
if rescale_clip is not None:
patch = rescale(patch, rescale_clip)
if kwargs.get('draw_bounding_box') is True:
x0 = rbb['x0']
y0 = rbb['y0']
x1 = rbb['x1']
y1 = rbb['y1']
pilimg = Image.fromarray(patch) # drawing modifies array in-place
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pilimg)
draw.rectangle([(x0, y0), (x1, y1)], outline='white', width=kwargs.get('linewidth', 1))
patch = np.array(pilimg)
if pad_to:
patch = pad(patch, pad_to)
patch_dir / (patch_fname + '.png'),
print(f'Successfully wrote {len(boxes)} patches to:\n{patch_dir}')
def generate_3d_patches( # in extensions.chaeo.products
desc, stack, boxes, rescale_clip=0.0,
proj=lambda x: x,
patch_dir = root / 'output' / '3d_patches' / desc
patch_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for box in boxes:
obj = box['info']
sl = box['slice']
patch = proj(stack[sl])
patch_fname = f'{prefix}-la{obj.label:04d}-zi{obj.zi:04d}'
if rescale_clip is not None:
patch = rescale(patch, rescale_clip)
if pad_to:
patch = pad_3d(patch, pad_to)
patch_dir / (patch_fname + '.tif'),
print(f'Successfully wrote {len(boxes)} patches to:\n{patch_dir}')
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import unittest
from extensions.chaeo.zstack import build_stack_mask
from model_server.accessors import InMemoryDataAccessor
class TestZStackDerivedDataProducts(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
# need test data incl obj map
self.obmap = None
self.stack = None
def test_zmask_makes_correct_boxes(self):
zmask, meta = build_stack_mask(
'test_zmask_with boxes',
zmask_acc = InMemoryDataAccessor(zmask)
# assert dimensionality of zmask
self.assertEqual(zmask.shape_dict['Z'] > 1)
self.assertEqual(zmask.shape_dict['C'] == 1)
# assert non-trivial meta info in boxes
def test_zmask_makes_correct_contours(self):
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from skimage.measure import find_contours, regionprops_table
# build a single boolean 3d mask (objects v. bboxes) and return bounding boxes
def build_stack_mask(desc, obmap, stack, filters=None, mask_type='contour', expand_box_by=(0, 0)): # TODO: specify boxes data type
filters: dict of (min, max) tuples
expand_box_by: (xy, z) pixelsf
# validate inputs
assert len(stack.shape) == 3, stack.shape
assert mask_type in ('contour', 'box'), mask_type # TODO: replace with call to validator
for k in filters.keys():
assert k in ('area', 'solidity')
vmin, vmax = filters[k]
assert vmin >= 0
# build object query
query_str = 'label > 0' # always true
if filters:
for k in filters.keys():
assert k in ('area', 'solidity')
vmin, vmax = filters[k]
assert vmin >= 0
query_str = query_str + f' & {k} > {vmin} & {k} < {vmax}'
# build dataframe of objects, assign z index to each object
argmax = stack.argmax(axis=0)
df = (
properties=('label', 'area', 'intensity_mean', 'solidity', 'bbox')
'bbox-0': 'y0',
'bbox-1': 'x0',
'bbox-2': 'y1',
'bbox-3': 'x1',
df['zi'] = df['intensity_mean'].round().astype('int')
# make an object map where label is replaced by focus position in stack and background is -1
lut = np.zeros(obmap.max() + 1) - 1
lut[df.label] = df.zi
# convert bounding boxes to slices
ebxy, ebz = expand_box_by
nz, h, w = stack.shape
boxes = []
for ob in df.itertuples(name='LabeledObject'):
y0 = max(ob.y0 - ebxy, 0)
y1 = min(ob.y1 + ebxy, h - 1)
x0 = max(ob.x0 - ebxy, 0)
x1 = min(ob.x1 + ebxy, w - 1)
z0 = max(ob.zi - ebz, 0)
z1 = min(ob.zi + ebz, nz)
# relative bounding box positions
rbb = {
'y0': ob.y0 - y0,
'y1': ob.y1 - y0,
'x0': ob.x0 - x0,
'x1': ob.x1 - x0,
sl = np.s_[z0: z1 + 1, y0: y1, x0: x1]
# compute contours
obmask = (obmap == ob.label)
contour = find_contours(obmask)
mask = obmask[ob.y0: ob.y1, ob.x0: ob.x1]
'info': ob,
'slice': sl,
'relative_bounding_box': rbb,
'contour': contour,
'mask': mask
# build mask z-stack
zi_st = np.zeros(stack.shape, dtype='bool')
if mask_type == 'contour':
zi_map = (lut[obmap] + 1.0).astype('int')
idxs = np.array([zi_map]) - 1
np.put_along_axis(zi_st, idxs, 1, axis=0)
# change background level from to 0 in final frame
zi_st[-1, :, :][obmap == 0] = 0
elif mask_type == 'box':
for bb in boxes:
sl = bb['slice']
zi_st[sl] = 1
return zi_st, boxes
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from model_server.accessors import GenericImageDataAccessor
def is_object_map(img: GenericImageDataAccessor):
# TODO: implement
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def get_tif_seq(where, prefix=None, verbose=True):
files = [ff for ff in os.listdir(where) if ff.startswith(prefix)]
paths = [where / fn for fn in files]
ndas = [imread(pa.__str__()) for pa in paths]
assert all([n.shape == ndas[0].shape and n.dtype == ndas[0].dtype for n in ndas])
if verbose:
print(f'Successfully read {len(ndas)} x {ndas[0].shape} px images of type {ndas[0].dtype} from:\n{where}')
return ndas
def write_tif_zstack(data, desc, dtype='uint16', subdir='output'):
where = root / subdir
filename = desc + '.tif'
if not os.path.exists(where):
abspath = where / filename
print(f'Successfully wrote {len(data)} x {data[0].shape} px images of type {dtype} to:\n{abspath}')
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Image processing utility functions
from math import ceil, floor
import numpy as np
from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
def pad(im, mpx): # now in model_server.batch
'''Pads and crops image width edge values to specified dimension'''
dh = 0.5 * (mpx - im.shape[0])
dw = 0.5 * (mpx - im.shape[1])
if dw < 0:
x0 = floor(-dw)
x1 = x0 + mpx
im = im[:, x0:x1]
dw = 0
if dh < 0:
y0 = floor(-dh)
y1 = y0 + mpx
im = im[y0:y1, :]
dh = 0
border = ((floor(dh), ceil(dh)), (floor(dw), ceil(dw)))
padded = np.pad(im, border, mode='constant')
if padded.shape != (mpx, mpx):
raise Exception(f'Incorrect image shape: {padded.shape} v. {(mpx, mpx)}')
return padded
def pad_3d(im, mpx): # im: [z x h x w]
assert(len(im.shape) == 3)
nz, h, w = im.shape
padded = np.zeros((nz, mpx, mpx), dtype=im.dtype)
for zi in range(nz):
padded[zi, :, :] = pad(im[zi, :, :], mpx)
return padded
def resample(nda, cmin=0, cmax=2**16): # now in model_server.batch
return rescale_intensity(
np.clip(nda, cmin, cmax),
in_range=(cmin, cmax + 1),
out_range=(0, 2**8)
def rescale(nda, clip=0.0): # now in model_server.batch
clip_pct = (100.0 * clip, 100.0 * (1.0 - clip))
cmin, cmax = np.percentile(nda, clip_pct)
rescaled = rescale_intensity(nda, in_range=(cmin, cmax))
return rescaled
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# model_server
# How to extend service
Add sub-package to extensions
Add models that inherit from model_server.Model
In workflows, implement pipelines with File I/O via accessors.GenericImageDataAccessor
(to decouple model logic from image data source)
Set extensions-specific folders, etc. in conf relative to overall package root (set by user)
As much as possible, set pipeline and model parameters with defaults and support overrides by optional API arguments;
this helps non-coding users control their jobs
Set up API endpoints in router, following as much as possible existing conventions with load, infer, etc. keyword
decouple data access from processing
control either via batch runners or API (serial)
workflow: combines data access with processing via models, produces primary outputs
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