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Commit cb2c76d6 authored by Constantin Pape's avatar Constantin Pape
Browse files

Start updating morphology workflows

parent 7157a5c4
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1 merge request!10Start updating morphology workflows
......@@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ from .cilia_attributes import cilia_morphology
from ..files.xml_utils import get_h5_path_from_xml
def get_seg_path(folder, name, key):
def get_seg_path(folder, name, key=None):
xml_path = os.path.join(folder, 'segmentations', '%s.xml' % name)
path = get_h5_path_from_xml(xml_path, return_absolute_path=True)
assert os.path.exists(path), path
with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f:
assert key in f, "%s not in %s" % (key, str(list(f.keys())))
if key is not None:
with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f:
assert key in f, "%s not in %s" % (key, str(list(f.keys())))
return path
......@@ -59,13 +60,6 @@ def make_cell_tables(old_folder, folder, name, tmp_folder, resolution,
med_expression_path, vc_out,
tmp_folder, target)
# make table with morphology
morpho_out = os.path.join(table_folder, 'morphology.csv')
n_labels = len(label_ids)
write_morphology_cells(seg_path, base_out, nuc_mapping_table, morpho_out,
n_labels, resolution, tmp_folder,
target, max_jobs)
# region and semantic mapping
region_out = os.path.join(table_folder, 'regions.csv')
# need to make sure the inputs are copied / updated in
......@@ -76,6 +70,13 @@ def make_cell_tables(old_folder, folder, name, tmp_folder, resolution,
image_folder, segmentation_folder,
label_ids, tmp_folder, target, max_jobs)
# make table with morphology
morpho_out = os.path.join(table_folder, 'morphology.csv')
write_morphology_cells(seg_path, nuc_path,
base_out, morpho_out,
nuc_mapping_table, region_out,
tmp_folder, target, max_jobs)
# mapping to extrapolated intensities
extrapol_mask = os.path.join(folder, 'images', 'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-mask-extrapolated.xml')
extrapol_mask = get_h5_path_from_xml(extrapol_mask, return_absolute_path=True)
......@@ -107,18 +108,20 @@ def make_nucleus_tables(old_folder, folder, name, tmp_folder, resolution,
# make the basic attributes table
base_out = os.path.join(table_folder, 'default.csv')
label_ids = base_attributes(seg_path, seg_key, base_out, resolution,
tmp_folder, target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs,
base_attributes(seg_path, seg_key, base_out, resolution,
tmp_folder, target=target, max_jobs=max_jobs,
# make the morphology attribute table
xml_raw = os.path.join(folder, 'images', 'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-raw.xml')
raw_path = get_h5_path_from_xml(xml_raw, return_absolute_path=True)
# make the morphology attribute table
cell_seg_path = get_seg_path(folder, 'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells-labels')
chromatin_seg_path = get_seg_path(folder, 'sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-chromatin-labels')
morpho_out = os.path.join(table_folder, 'morphology.csv')
n_labels = len(label_ids)
write_morphology_nuclei(seg_path, raw_path, base_out, morpho_out,
n_labels, resolution, tmp_folder,
target, max_jobs)
write_morphology_nuclei(raw_path, seg_path,
cell_seg_path, chromatin_seg_path,
base_out, morpho_out,
tmp_folder, target, max_jobs)
# mapping to extrapolated intensities
extrapol_mask = os.path.join(folder, 'segmentations', 'sbem-6dpf-mask-extrapolated.xml')
......@@ -5,24 +5,22 @@ from ..extension.attributes import MorphologyWorkflow
def write_config(config_folder, config):
# something eats a lot of threads, let's at least reserve a few ...
config.update({'mem_limit': 24, 'threads_per_job': 4})
config.update({'mem_limit': 24})
with open(os.path.join(config_folder, 'morphology.config'), 'w') as f:
json.dump(config, f)
def write_morphology_nuclei(seg_path, raw_path, table_in_path, table_out_path,
n_labels, resolution, tmp_folder, target, max_jobs):
def write_morphology_nuclei(raw_path, nucleus_seg_path, chromatin_seg_path,
table_in_path, table_out_path,
tmp_folder, target, max_jobs):
Write csv files of morphology stats for the nucleus segmentation
seg_path - string, file path to nucleus segmentation
raw_path - string, file path to raw data
cell_table_path - string, file path to cell table
nucleus_seg_path - string, file path to nucleus segmentation
chromatin_seg_path - string, file path to chromatin segmentation
table_in_path - string, file path to nucleus table
table_out_path - string, file path to save new nucleus table
n_labels - int, number of labels
resolution - list or tuple, resolution of segmentation at scale 0
tmp_folder - string, temporary folder
target - string, computation target (slurm or local)
max_jobs - maximal number of jobs
......@@ -31,32 +29,37 @@ def write_morphology_nuclei(seg_path, raw_path, table_in_path, table_out_path,
config_folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'configs')
write_config(config_folder, task.get_config()['morphology'])
seg_scale = 0
# TODO double check these values
scale = 3
min_size = 18313 # Kimberly's lower size cutoff for nuclei
max_bb = '' # TODO
t = task(tmp_folder=tmp_folder, max_jobs=max_jobs,
config_dir=config_folder, target=target,
segmentation_path=seg_path, in_table_path=table_in_path,
output_path=table_out_path, resolution=list(resolution),
seg_scale=seg_scale, raw_scale=3, min_size=min_size, max_size=None,
raw_path=raw_path, prefix='nuclei', number_of_labels=n_labels)
compute_cell_features=False, raw_path=raw_path,
scale=scale, min_size=min_size, max_bb=max_bb)
ret =[t], local_scheduler=True)
if not ret:
raise RuntimeError("Nucleus morphology computation failed")
def write_morphology_cells(seg_path, table_in_path, cell_nuc_mapping_path, table_out_path,
n_labels, resolution, tmp_folder, target, max_jobs):
# TODO do we pass raw data?
def write_morphology_cells(cell_seg_path, nucleus_seg_path,
table_in_path, table_out_path,
nucleus_mapping_path, region_path,
resolution, tmp_folder, target, max_jobs):
Write csv files of morphology stats for both the nucleus and cell segmentation
seg_path - string, file path to cell segmentation
cell_seg_path - string, file path to cell segmentation
table_in_path - string, file path to cell table
cell_nuc_mapping_path - string, file path to numpy array mapping cells to nuclei
nucleus_mapping_path - string, file path to numpy array mapping cells to nuclei
(first column cell id, second nucleus id)
table_out_path - string, file path to save new cell table
n_labels - int, number of labels
resolution - list or tuple, resolution of segmentation at scale 0
tmp_folder - string, temporary folder
target - string, computation target (slurm or local)
max_jobs - maximal number of jobs
......@@ -65,16 +68,22 @@ def write_morphology_cells(seg_path, table_in_path, cell_nuc_mapping_path, table
config_folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'configs')
write_config(config_folder, task.get_config()['morphology'])
seg_scale = 2
# TODO check these values
scale = 2
min_size = 88741 # Kimberly's lower size cutoff for cells
max_size = 600000000 # Kimberly's upper size cutoff for cells
max_bb = ''
t = task(tmp_folder=tmp_folder, max_jobs=max_jobs,
config_dir=config_folder, target=target,
segmentation_path=seg_path, in_table_path=table_in_path,
output_path=table_out_path, resolution=list(resolution),
seg_scale=seg_scale, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
mapping_path=cell_nuc_mapping_path, prefix='cells',
scale=scale, max_bb=max_bb,
min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
ret =[t], local_scheduler=True)
if not ret:
raise RuntimeError("Cell morphology computation failed")
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import os
import sys
import json
from math import ceil
import luigi
import as nt
......@@ -12,7 +13,8 @@ import cluster_tools.utils.volume_utils as vu
import cluster_tools.utils.function_utils as fu
from cluster_tools.utils.task_utils import DummyTask
from cluster_tools.cluster_tasks import SlurmTask, LocalTask
from scripts.extension.attributes.morphology_impl import morphology_impl
from scripts.extension.attributes.morphology_impl import (morphology_impl_cell,
# Morphology Attribute Tasks
......@@ -27,32 +29,83 @@ class MorphologyBase(luigi.Task):
src_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
allow_retry = False
# input volumes and graph
segmentation_path = luigi.Parameter()
# compute cell features or nucleus features?
compute_cell_features = luigi.BoolParameter()
# paths to raw data and segmentations
# if the raw path is None, we don't compute intensity features
raw_path = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
# we always need the nucleus segmentation
nucleus_segmentation_path = luigi.Paramter()
# we only need the cell segmentation if we compute cell morphology features
cell_segmentation_path = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
# we only need the chromatin segmentation if we compute nucleus features
chromatin_segmentation_path = luigi.Paramter(default=None)
# the scale used for computation, relative to the raw scale
scale = luigi.IntParameter(default=3)
# the input tables paths for the default table, the
# nucleus mapping table and the region mapping table
in_table_path = luigi.Parameter()
# only need the mapping paths for the nucleus features
nucleus_mapping_path = luigi.Paramter(default=None)
region_mapping_path = luigi.Paramter(default=None)
# prefix for the output tables
output_prefix = luigi.Parameter()
# resolution of the segmentation at full scale
resolution = luigi.ListParameter()
# scales of segmentation and raw data used for the computation
seg_scale = luigi.IntParameter()
raw_scale = luigi.IntParameter(default=3)
# prefix
prefix = luigi.Parameter()
number_of_labels = luigi.IntParameter()
# minimum and maximum sizes for objects
# minimum and maximum sizes for objects / bounding box
min_size = luigi.IntParameter()
max_size = luigi.IntParameter(default=None)
# path for cell nucleus mapping, that is used for additional
# table filtering
mapping_path = luigi.IntParameter(default='')
# input path for intensity calcuation
# if '', intensities will not be calculated
raw_path = luigi.Parameter(default='')
max_bb = luigi.IntParameter()
dependency = luigi.TaskParameter(default=DummyTask())
def requires(self):
return self.dependency
def _update_config_for_cells(self, config):
# check the relevant inputs for the cell morphology
assert self.cell_segmentation_path is not None
assert self.nucleus_mapping_path is not None
assert self.region_mapping_path is not None
config.update({'cell_segmentation_path': self.cell_segmentation_path,
'nucleus_segmentation_path': self.nucleus_segmentation_path,
'raw_path': self.raw_path,
'output_prefix': self.output_prefix,
'in_table_path': self.in_table_path,
'nucleus_mapping_path': self.nucleus_mapping_path,
'region_mapping_path': self.region_mapping_path,
'scale': self.scale, 'max_bb': self.max_bb,
'min_size': self.min_size, 'max_size': self.max_size})
return config
def _update_config_for_nuclei(self, config):
# check the relevant inputs for the nucleus morphology
assert self.chromatin_segmentation_path is not None
assert self.raw_path is not None
config.update({'nucleus_segmentation_path': self.nucleus_segmentation_path,
'chromatin_segmentation_path': self.chromatin_segmentation_path,
'raw_path': self.raw_path,
'output_prefix': self.output_prefix,
'in_table_path': self.in_table_path,
'scale': self.scale, 'max_bb': self.max_bb,
'min_size': self.min_size, 'max_size': self.max_size})
return config
def _get_number_of_labels(self):
seg_path = self.cell_segmentation_path if self.compute_cell_features else\
key = 't00000/s00/0/cells'
with vu.file_reader(seg_path, 'r') as f:
n_labels = int(f[key].attrs['maxId']) + 1
return n_labels
def _compute_block_len(self, number_of_labels):
ids_per_job = int(ceil(float(number_of_labels) / self.max_jobs))
return ids_per_job
def run_impl(self):
# get the global config and init configs
shebang = self.global_config_values()[0]
......@@ -60,34 +113,35 @@ class MorphologyBase(luigi.Task):
# load the task config
config = self.get_task_config()
# we hard-code the chunk-size to 1000 for now
block_list = vu.blocks_in_volume([self.number_of_labels], [1000])
# update the config with input and graph paths and keys
# as well as block shape
config.update({'segmentation_path': self.segmentation_path,
'output_prefix': self.output_prefix,
'in_table_path': self.in_table_path,
'raw_path': self.raw_path,
'mapping_path': self.mapping_path,
'seg_scale': self.seg_scale,
'raw_scale': self.raw_scale,
'resolution': self.resolution,
'min_size': self.min_size,
'max_size': self.max_size})
if self.compute_cell_features:
config = self._update_config_for_cells(config)
config = self._update_config_for_nuclei(config)
# TODO match block size and number of blocks
# we hard-code the chunk-size to 1000 for now
number_of_labels = self._get_number_of_labels()
block_len = self._compute_block_len(number_of_labels)
block_list = vu.blocks_in_volume([number_of_labels], [block_len])
config.update({'block_len': block_len,
'compute_cell_features': self.compute_cell_features,
'number_of_labels': number_of_labels})
prefix = 'cells' if self.compute_cell_features else 'nuclei'
# prime and run the job
n_jobs = min(len(block_list), self.max_jobs)
self.prepare_jobs(n_jobs, block_list, config, self.prefix)
self.submit_jobs(n_jobs, self.prefix)
self.prepare_jobs(n_jobs, block_list, config, prefix)
self.submit_jobs(n_jobs, prefix)
# wait till jobs finish and check for job success
self.check_jobs(n_jobs, self.prefix)
self.check_jobs(n_jobs, prefix)
def output(self):
prefix = 'cells' if self.compute_cell_features else 'nuclei'
out_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder,
'%s_%s.log' % (self.task_name, self.prefix))
'%s_%s.log' % (self.task_name, prefix))
return luigi.LocalTarget(out_path)
......@@ -108,6 +162,57 @@ class MorphologySlurm(MorphologyBase, SlurmTask):
def _morphology_nuclei(config, table, label_start, label_stop):
# paths to raw data, nucleus segmentation and chromatin segmentation
raw_path = config['raw_path']
nucleus_segmentation_path = config['nucleus_segmentation_path']
chromatin_segmentation_path = config['chromatin_segmentation_path']
# minimal / maximal size and maximal bounding box volume
min_size, max_size, max_bb = config['min_size'], config['max_size'], config['max_bb']
# scale for nucleus segmentation, raw data and chromatin segmentation
raw_scale = config['scale']
nucleus_scale = raw_scale - 3
chromatin_scale = raw_scale - 1 # TODO is this correct?
# nucleus and chromatin resolution are hard-coded for now
nucleus_resolution = [0.1, 0.08, 0.08]
chromatin_resolution = [0.025, 0.02, 0.02] # TODO is this correct?
stats = morphology_impl_nucleus(nucleus_segmentation_path, raw_path,
table, min_size, max_size, max_bb,
nucleus_resolution, chromatin_resolution,
nucleus_scale, raw_scale, chromatin_scale,
label_start, label_stop)
return stats
def _morphology_cells(config, table, label_start, label_stop):
# paths to raw data, nucleus segmentation and chromatin segmentation
raw_path = config['raw_path']
cell_segmentation_path = config['cell_segmentation_path']
nucleus_segmentation_path = config['nucleus_segmentation_path']
# minimal / maximal size and maximal bounding box volume
min_size, max_size, max_bb = config['min_size'], config['max_size'], config['max_bb']
# scale for nucleus segmentation, raw data and chromatin segmentation
raw_scale = config['scale']
nucleus_scale = raw_scale - 3
cell_scale = raw_scale - 1 # TODO is this correct?
# nucleus and chromatin resolution are hard-coded for now
nucleus_resolution = [0.1, 0.08, 0.08]
cell_resolution = [0.025, 0.02, 0.02] # TODO is this correct?
# mapping from cells to nuclei and from cells to regions
nucleus_mapping_path = config['mapping_path']
region_mapping_path = config['region_mapping_path']
stats = morphology_impl_cell(cell_segmentation_path, raw_path,
table, nucleus_mapping_path,
min_size, max_size, max_bb,
cell_resolution, nucleus_resolution,
cell_scale, raw_scale, nucleus_scale,
label_start, label_stop)
return stats
def morphology(job_id, config_path):
fu.log("start processing job %i" % job_id)
......@@ -116,38 +221,34 @@ def morphology(job_id, config_path):
# get the config
with open(config_path) as f:
config = json.load(f)
segmentation_path = config['segmentation_path']
in_table_path = config['in_table_path']
raw_path = config['raw_path']
mapping_path = config['mapping_path']
output_prefix = config['output_prefix']
min_size = config['min_size']
max_size = config['max_size']
resolution = config['resolution']
raw_scale = config['raw_scale']
seg_scale = config['seg_scale']
block_list = config['block_list']
# read the base table
in_table_path = config['in_table_path']
table = pd.read_csv(in_table_path, sep='\t')
# get the label ranges for this job
# determine the start and stop label for this job
block_list = config['block_list']
block_len = config['block_len']
assert len(block_list) == 1, "Expected a single block, got %i" % len(block_list)
# get the label range for this job
n_labels = table.shape[0]
blocking = nt.blocking([0], [n_labels], [1000])
label_starts, label_stops = [], []
for block_id in block_list:
block = blocking.getBlock(block_id)
stats = morphology_impl(segmentation_path, raw_path, table, mapping_path,
min_size, max_size,
resolution, raw_scale, seg_scale,
label_starts, label_stops)
blocking = nt.blocking([0], [n_labels], [block_len])
block = blocking.getBlock(block_list[0])
label_start, label_stop = block.begin, block.end
# do we compute cell or nucleus features ?
compute_cell_features = config['compute_cell_features']
if compute_cell_features:
fu.log("Compute morphology features for cells")
stats = _morphology_cells(config, table, label_start, label_stop)
fu.log("Compute morphology features for nuclei")
stats = _morphology_nuclei(config, table, label_start, label_stop)
# write the result
output_prefix = config['output_prefix']
output_path = output_prefix + '_job%i.csv' % job_id
fu.log("Save result to %s" % output_path)
stats.to_csv(output_path, index=False, sep='\t')
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ def morphology_impl_nucleus(nucleus_segmentation_path, raw_path, chromatin_path,
nucleus_resolution, chromatin_resolution,
nucleus_seg_scale, raw_scale, chromatin_scale,
label_starts, label_stops):
label_start, label_stop):
""" Compute morphology features for nucleus segmentation.
Can compute features for multiple label ranges. If you want to
......@@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ def morphology_impl_nucleus(nucleus_segmentation_path, raw_path, chromatin_path,
nucleus_seg_scale [int] - scale level of the segmentation.
raw_scale [int] - scale level of the raw data
chromatin_scale [int] - scale level of the segmentation.
label_starts [listlike] - list with label start positions
label_stops [listlike] - list with label stop positions
label_start [int] - label start position
label_stop [int] - label stop position
# keys for the different scales
......@@ -463,15 +463,14 @@ def morphology_impl_nucleus(nucleus_segmentation_path, raw_path, chromatin_path,
ds = f[nucleus_seg_key]
stats = []
for label_a, label_b in zip(label_starts, label_stops):
log("Computing features from label-id %i to %i" % (label_a, label_b))
stats.extend(morphology_features_for_label_range(table, ds, ds_raw,
scale_factor_nucleus_seg, scale_factor_raw,
label_a, label_b))
log("Computing features from label-id %i to %i" % (label_start, label_stop))
stats = morphology_features_for_label_range(table, ds, ds_raw,
scale_factor_nucleus_seg, scale_factor_raw,
label_start, label_stop)
for var in f_raw, f_chromatin:
if var is not None:
......@@ -492,7 +491,7 @@ def morphology_impl_cell(cell_segmentation_path, raw_path,
cell_resolution, nucleus_resolution,
cell_seg_scale, raw_scale, nucleus_seg_scale,
label_starts, label_stops):
label_start, label_stop):
""" Compute morphology features for cell segmentation.
Can compute features for multiple label ranges. If you want to
......@@ -522,8 +521,8 @@ def morphology_impl_cell(cell_segmentation_path, raw_path,
cell_seg_scale [int] - scale level of the segmentation
raw_scale [int] - scale level of the raw data
nucleus_seg_scale [int] - scale level of the segmentation.
label_starts [listlike] - list with label start positions
label_stops [listlike] - list with label stop positions
label_start [int] - label start position
label_stop [int] - label stop position
# keys for the different scales
......@@ -565,16 +564,14 @@ def morphology_impl_cell(cell_segmentation_path, raw_path,
with h5py.File(cell_segmentation_path, 'r') as f:
ds = f[cell_seg_key]
stats = []
for label_a, label_b in zip(label_starts, label_stops):
log("Computing features from label-id %i to %i" % (label_a, label_b))
stats.extend(morphology_features_for_label_range(table, ds, ds_raw,
scale_factor_cell_seg, scale_factor_raw,
label_a, label_b))
log("Computing features from label-id %i to %i" % (label_start, label_stop))
stats = morphology_features_for_label_range(table, ds, ds_raw,
scale_factor_cell_seg, scale_factor_raw,
label_start, label_stop)
for var in f_raw, f_nucleus:
if var is not None:
......@@ -36,27 +36,35 @@ class MergeTables(luigi.Task):
class MorphologyWorkflow(WorkflowBase):
# input volumes and graph
segmentation_path = luigi.Parameter()
# compute cell features or nucleus features?
compute_cell_features = luigi.BoolParameter()
# paths to raw data and segmentations
# if the raw path is None, we don't compute intensity features
raw_path = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
# we always need the nucleus segmentation
nucleus_segmentation_path = luigi.Paramter()
# we only need the cell segmentation if we compute cell morphology features
cell_segmentation_path = luigi.Parameter(default=None)
# we only need the chromatin segmentation if we compute nucleus features
chromatin_segmentation_path = luigi.Paramter(default=None)
# the scale used for computation, relative to the raw scale
scale = luigi.IntParameter(default=3)
# the input tables paths for the default table, the
# nucleus mapping table and the region mapping table
in_table_path = luigi.Parameter()
output_path = luigi.Parameter()
# resolution of the segmentation at full scale
resolution = luigi.ListParameter()
# scales of segmentation and raw data used for the computation
seg_scale = luigi.IntParameter()
raw_scale = luigi.IntParameter(default=3)
# prefix
prefix = luigi.Parameter()
number_of_labels = luigi.IntParameter()
# minimum and maximum sizes for objects
# only need the mapping paths for the nucleus features
nucleus_mapping_path = luigi.Paramter(default=None)
region_mapping_path = luigi.Paramter(default=None)
# minimum and maximum sizes for objects / bounding box
min_size = luigi.IntParameter()
max_size = luigi.IntParameter(default=None)
# path for cell nucleus mapping, that is used for additional
# table filtering
mapping_path = luigi.IntParameter(default='')
# input path for intensity calcuation
# if '', intensities will not be calculated
raw_path = luigi.Parameter(default='')
max_bb = luigi.IntParameter()
output_path = luigi.Paramter()
def requires(self):
out_prefix = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'sub_table_%s' % self.prefix)
......@@ -64,12 +72,15 @@ class MorphologyWorkflow(WorkflowBase):
dep = morpho_task(tmp_folder=self.tmp_folder, config_dir=self.config_dir,
dependency=self.dependency, max_jobs=self.max_jobs,
in_table_path=self.in_table_path, output_prefix=out_prefix,
resolution=self.resolution, seg_scale=self.seg_scale, raw_scale=self.raw_scale,
prefix=self.prefix, number_of_labels=self.number_of_labels,
min_size=self.min_size, max_size=self.max_size, mapping_path=self.mapping_path,
min_size=self.min_size, max_size=self.max_size, max_bb=self.max_bb)
dep = MergeTables(output_prefix=out_prefix, output_path=self.output_path,
max_jobs=self.max_jobs, dependency=dep)
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