
Structural variant calling from single-cell Strand-seq data - summarized in a [Snakemake]( pipeline.
## Overview of this workflow
This workflow uses [Snakemake]( to
execute all steps of MosaiCatcher in order. The starting point are single-cell
BAM files from Strand-seq experiments and the final output are SV predictions in
a tabular format as well as in a graphical representation. To get to this point,
the workflow goes through the following steps:
1. Read binning in fixed-width genomic windows of 100kb via [mosaicatcher](
2. Normalization of coverage with respect to a reference sample (included)
3. Strand state detection (included)
4. Haplotype resolution via [StrandPhaseR](
5. Multi-variate segmentation of cells ([mosaicatcher](
6. Bayesian classification of segmentation to find SVs using mosaiClassifier (included)
7. Visualization of results using custom R plots (included)
## Installation
Choose one of three ways to install and run this workflow:
1. **Install software using Bioconda**
* Installation instructions [here](docs/
* Configure `Snake.config.json` to match your software installation
* Add your data and configuration as described below (Setup)
* Requires [Snakemake]( and [Singularity]( No further installations needed.
* Add your data and configuration as described below (Setup)
3. **Run a complete example data set via Docker**
* Instructions [here](docs/
* Requires Docker (tested in version 18.09)
* Runs out of the box. **No further setup required**
1. **Download this pipeline**
git clone
cd pipeline
2. **Add your single-cell data**
Create a subdirectory `bam/sampleName/`. Your Strand-seq BAM files of this sample go into two folders:
* `all/`for the total set of BAM files
* `selected/` for the subset of successful Strand-seq libraries (possibly hard-linked to `all/`)
It is important to follow these rules for single-cell data
* One BAM file per cell
* Sorted and indexed
* Timestamp of index files must be newer than of the BAM files
* Each BAM file must contain a read group (`@RG`) with a common sample name (`SM`),
which must match the folder name (`sampleName` above)
3. **Adapt the config file**
Set options to describe your data in `Snake.config.json`. If you use Singularity, please use `Snake.config-singularity.json` instead.
Here is a digest of the relevant variables:
* `reference`: The path to the reference genome (FASTA file). Must be indexed (FAI)
* `chromosomes`: Specify which chromosomes should be analyzed. By default `chr1` - `chr22` and `chrX`
* `R_reference` The version of the reference genome being used by R scripts. The version should match the one in `reference`. Note that the Singularity/Docker image only ship with *BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38*
* `paired_end`: Specifies whether you are using paired-end reads or not (default: true)
* `snv_calls`: SNV call set for your sample - see below. Must be *vcf.gz* and indexed via tabix
* `snv_sites_to_genotype`: SNV positions to be genotyped - see below. Must be *vcf.gz* and indexed via tabix
## SNV calls for haplotype separation
The MosaiCatcher pipeline requires a set of genotyped single nucleotide variants (SNVs) to distinguish haplotypes, including the assignment of individually sequenced strands of a chromosome to a certain chromosome-length haplotype.
Depending on which prior information is available, the workflow will
* Phase SNVs using StrandPhaseR (when given a set of SNV calls)
* Genotype SNVs in your data (when given potential SNV sites)
* Call and genotype SNVs on your sample (when not given SNV sites)
To provide a list of SNV sites, set `snv_sites_to_genotype` in the config file; to provide final SNV calls, set `snv_calls`. Must be set per sample:
"snv_calls" : {
"NA12878" : "path/to/snp/calls.vcf.gz"
Make sure the files are [tabix](
## References
For information on Strand-seq see
> Falconer E *et al.*, 2012 (doi: [10.1038/nmeth.2206](