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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit 38405c4d authored by Tobias Marschall's avatar Tobias Marschall
Browse files

Add group labels to SV plots

parent 588bd42f
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......@@ -278,15 +278,16 @@ ruleorder: plot_SV_calls_simulated > plot_SV_calls
rule plot_SV_calls:
counts = "counts/{sample}/{windows}.txt.gz",
calls = "sv_calls/{sample}/{windows}.{bpdens}/{method}.txt",
complex = "sv_calls/{sample}/{windows}.{bpdens}/{method}.complex.tsv",
calls = "sv_calls/{sample}/{windows}.{bpdens}/{method}_filter{filter}.txt",
complex = "sv_calls/{sample}/{windows}.{bpdens}/{method}_filter{filter}.complex.tsv",
strand = "strand_states/{sample}/{windows}.{bpdens}/final.txt",
segments = "segmentation2/{sample}/{windows}.{bpdens}.txt",
scsegments = "segmentation-singlecell/{sample}/{windows}.{bpdens}.txt",
grouptrack = "postprocessing/group-table/{sample}/{windows}.{bpdens}/{method}.tsv",
Rscript utils/plot-sv-calls.R \
......@@ -294,6 +295,7 @@ rule plot_SV_calls:
singlecellsegments={input.scsegments} \
strand={input.strand} \
complex={input.complex} \
groups={input.grouptrack} \
calls={input.calls} \
{input.counts} \
{wildcards.chrom} \
......@@ -669,13 +671,22 @@ rule postprocessing_filter:
rule postprocessing_merge:
calls = "postprocessing/filter/{sample}/{window}_fixed_norm.{bpdens,selected_j[0-9\\.]+_s[0-9\\.]+}/simpleCalls_llr{llr}_poppriors{pop_priors,(TRUE|FALSE)}_haplotags{use_haplotags,(TRUE|FALSE)}_gtcutoff{gtcutoff,[0-9\\.]+}_regfactor{regfactor,[0-9]+}.txt"
calls = "postprocessing/filter/{sample}/{window}_fixed_norm.{bpdens}/simpleCalls_llr{llr}_poppriors{pop_priors}_haplotags{use_haplotags}_gtcutoff{gtcutoff}_regfactor{regfactor}.txt"
calls = "postprocessing/merge/{sample}/{window}_fixed_norm.{bpdens,selected_j[0-9\\.]+_s[0-9\\.]+}/simpleCalls_llr{llr}_poppriors{pop_priors,(TRUE|FALSE)}_haplotags{use_haplotags,(TRUE|FALSE)}_gtcutoff{gtcutoff,[0-9\\.]+}_regfactor{regfactor,[0-9]+}.txt"
'utils/ {input.calls} > {output.calls}'
rule postprocessing_sv_group_table:
calls = "postprocessing/merge/{sample}/{window}_fixed_norm.{bpdens}/simpleCalls_llr{llr}_poppriors{pop_priors}_haplotags{use_haplotags}_gtcutoff{gtcutoff}_regfactor{regfactor}.txt"
grouptrack = "postprocessing/group-table/{sample}/{window}_fixed_norm.{bpdens,selected_j[0-9\\.]+_s[0-9\\.]+}/simpleCalls_llr{llr}_poppriors{pop_priors,(TRUE|FALSE)}_haplotags{use_haplotags,(TRUE|FALSE)}_gtcutoff{gtcutoff,[0-9\\.]+}_regfactor{regfactor,[0-9]+}.tsv"
'utils/ {input.calls} > {output.grouptrack}'
# Strand states & phasing #
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ suppressMessages(library(ggplot2))
library(scales) %>% invisible
library(assertthat) %>% invisible
library(stringr) %>% invisible
library(RColorBrewer) %>% invisible
# Settings #
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ print_usage_and_stop = function(msg = NULL) {
message(" truth=<file> Mark the `true`` SVs provided in a table ")
message(" strand=<file> Mark the strand states which calls are based on ")
message(" complex=<file> Mark complex regions given in file ")
message(" groups=<file> Table with SV call grouping ")
message(" no-none Do not hightlight black-listed (i.e. None) bins ")
message(" ")
message("Generates one plot per chromosome listing all cells below another, separated ")
......@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ cells_per_page = 8
show_none = T
if (length(args)>3) {
if (!all(grepl("^(strand|calls|segments|per-page|truth|no-none|complex|singlecellsegments)=?", args[1:(length(args)-3)]))) {
if (!all(grepl("^(strand|calls|segments|per-page|truth|no-none|complex|singlecellsegments|groups)=?", args[1:(length(args)-3)]))) {
print_usage_and_stop("[Error]: Options must be one of `calls`, `segments`, `per-page`, or `truth`") }
for (op in args[1:(length(args)-3)]) {
if (grepl("^segments=", op)) f_segments = str_sub(op, 10)
......@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ if (length(args)>3) {
if (grepl("^strand=", op)) f_strand = str_sub(op, 8)
if (grepl("^complex=", op)) f_complex = str_sub(op, 9)
if (grepl("^groups=", op)) f_groups = str_sub(op, 8)
if (grepl("^singlecellsegments=", op)) f_scsegments = str_sub(op, 20)
if (grepl("^no-none$", op)) show_none = F
......@@ -249,6 +251,19 @@ if (!is.null(f_complex)) {
### Check SV groups file
if (!is.null(f_groups)) {
message(" * Reading SV group file from ", f_groups, "...")
groups = fread(f_groups)
assert_that("chrom" %in% colnames(groups),
"start" %in% colnames(groups),
"end" %in% colnames(groups),
"group_id" %in% colnames(groups)) %>% invisible
groups[, group_id := paste("SV group", group_id)]
groups = groups[chrom == CHROM]
message(" --> Found ", nrow(groups), " SV groups in chromosome ", CHROM)
### Check single cell segmentation file
if (!is.null(f_scsegments)) {
message(" * Reading per-cell segmentation regions state file from ", f_scsegments, "...")
......@@ -345,6 +360,18 @@ while (i <= n_cells) {
# Add bars for SV group, if available
if (!is.null(f_groups)) {
message(" * Adding SV groups")
if (nrow(groups) > 0) {
plt <- plt +
geom_rect(data = groups,
aes(xmin = start, xmax = end, ymin = .85*y_lim, ymax = Inf, fill = group_id))
# Add colors for SV classes
manual_colors = c(manual_colors, setNames(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(12,"Set2"))(nrow(groups)),groups$group_id))
# Add bars for complex states, if available
if (!is.null(f_complex)) {
message(" * Adding complex intervals")
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