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Christopher Randolph Rhodes / model_server
MIT LicenseServer to implement image analysis jobs for online use (e.g. in feedback microscopy), including adapters to ilastik and TensorFlow.
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Laura Bianchi - Ruprecht lab (CRG)
Gopi Shah - MIF
Nicola Gritti - MIF
Keywords: Luxendo, MuVi SPIM, python, cellpose, apoptosis, segmentation, tracking, support, external, bioimage analysis, zebrafish
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Johannes Mammen / diagnFlow
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Zaugg Group / SUMseq
MIT LicenseA scalable and reproducible Snakemake workflow for preprocessing SUM-seq data
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Martin Larralde / lightmotif
MIT LicenseA lightweight platform-accelerated library for biological motif scanning using position weight matrices.
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OSIM / pub_in_collab
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Zimmermann-Kogadeeva Group / GEMsembler
MIT LicenseGEMsembler tool for assembling and comparing several types of Genome-Scale Metabolic Models (GEMs)
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Martin Larralde / NAFcodec
MIT LicenseRust coder/decoder for Nucleotide Archive Format (NAF) files.
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MIT LicenseSVLT = Serving Vision to Living Things. A service for on-demand computer vision, targeted at image feedback in microscopy and other life sciences applications.
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The Bretzel app's front-end code.
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Martin Larralde / gb-io.py
MIT LicenseA Python interface to gb-io, a fast GenBank parser and serializer written in Rust.
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