Explore projects
Franziska Walterspiel - Deo Group, EMBL Heidelberg;
Christian Tischer, Arif Khan - Bioimage Analysis Service Team, EMBL Heidelberg;
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Krim Anlas - Trivedi lab;
Nicola Gritti - MIF
Keywords: bioimage analysis, support, MIF, python, matlab, TGMM, gastruloids, TGMM, tracking
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Crocker Group / agrotoxin
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Laura Bianchi - Ruprecht lab (CRG)
Gopi Shah - MIF
Nicola Gritti - MIF
Keywords: Luxendo, MuVi SPIM, python, cellpose, apoptosis, segmentation, tracking, support, external, bioimage analysis, zebrafish
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CBA / astrocyte-differentiations
MIT LicenseAlina Ritz- Heard Group;
Christian Tischer, Arif Khan - CBA;
Nextflow, python, nuclear cytoplasmic intensity measurements, MoBIE;
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Nick Marschlich - Trivedi lab;
Nicola Gritti - MIF
Keywords: bioimage analysis, support, MIF, python, pescoids, ultrack, ome-zarr, napari, tracking
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Kenta Imai, Maho Hamasaki - ALMF visitor;
HTM, Screen, Autophagy, CellProfiler
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Bio-IT Workshops / carpentries-lesson-example
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Extension of AutoMicTools project for testing and running for feedback microscopy experiments with FluoView 3000 confocal microscope
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Tools for online image analysis of images acquired with Zeiss confocal microscopes.