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Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum - Omicron Facility 11-13.01.2016
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Originated from https://github.com/rackt/redux/tree/master/examples/real-world adjusted to work with embase-ng-dev
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Renato Alves / dataquest
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 UnportedArchived 0Updated -
Bernd Klaus / rmarkdown-based-homepage
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A short-term tactical solution to implement the beta EMBL look and feel atop the the EBI Visual Framework. This will be superseded by the EMBL Design Dialect + Design Language for Life Sciences in late 2018/early 2019.
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The "EMBL Design Language for Wordpress" is a child theme of the EBI Visual Framework for Wordpress.
A short-term hack. Users beware
🐉 Archived 0Updated -
A flexible and compatible Visual Framework. Designed for branding and the life sciences.
Archived 1Updated