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Materials for the Software Carpentry workshop taking place at EMBL, Heidelberg, in September 2016
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Materials for Python Scripting section of Nov 2015 Software Carpentry Course.
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This is an example how snakemake can detected failed slurm jobs.
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Francesco Tabaro / snakemake-playground
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Bork Group / SF-Matching
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Scripts associated with the paper, "Local transcriptional context influences isoform expression in abruptly reorganized yeast genomes"
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This repository includes the exact commands/instructions in order to set up and run the integrative modelling of ScNPC adapted from Allegretti et al. (2020).
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Svergun Group / sasciftools3
Apache License 2.0sasciftools repository compatible with Python3
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Cyro-ET analysis of ribo-decorated mitos in glucose-depleted S. pombe cells
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Kosinski group / relax
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterScripts to minimize atomic structures, for example, from AlphaFold.