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Jean-Karim Heriche / SMLM.data.analysis
MIT LicenseAn R package to deal with data from single molecule localization microscopy..
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GBCS / galaxy-dir-sync
MIT LicenseSynchronises the content of a directory on the server with a galaxy library's folder. The server dir sub-structure is preserved and all files linked using symbolic links. The script can be started in daemon mode or placed under cron monitoring.
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Scripts associated with the paper, "Local transcriptional context influences isoform expression in abruptly reorganized yeast genomes"
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Wolfram Hoeps / mendel_finalcallsets
MIT LicenseContains data and tests for the mendelian consistency test of the final callsets for hg38 and chm13.
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Bio-IT / image-analysis-training-resources
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThe main repository for this project is now part of the NEUBIAS organisation on GitHub: https://github.com/NEUBIAS/training-resources
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A template repository that provides a minimal terraform and ansible recipe to create a virtual machine in de.NBI's EMBL cloud.
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