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Snippets Groups Projects
Charles Girardot's avatar


The main public repository is at github where issues or pull request can be created.

Additional documentation and support can be found at


  • Install from the bioconda channel with conda install -c bioconda je-suite
  • Or, download the je_<version>.tar.gz from the dist/ directory and unpack

The Je tool suite

Je currently offers the following tools:

  • je debarcode

    demultiplexes multi-samples fastq files using user-defined input read-layouts and write output files following user-defined output-layouts. Replaces both demultiplex-illu and demultiplex since version 2.0.

  • je dropseq

    to process drop-seq results: clips cell barcode and UMI from read 1 and adds them to header of read 2 (a unique output fastq is created).

  • je retag

    extracts barcode(s) and UMI sequence(s) embedded in read names of a BAM file and migrate them to proper BAM tags.

  • je clip

    to remove UMIs contained in reads of fastq files that do not need sample demultiplexing

  • je markdupes

    filters BAM files for read duplicates taking UMIs into account.

  • je demultiplex

    to demultiplex multi-samples fastq files which reads contain barcodes and UMIs (or not). Deprecated since version 2.0 (use je debarcode instead).

  • je demultiplex-illu

    to demultiplex fastq files according to associated index files (contain the sample encoding barcodes). Reads can additionally contain UMIs (inline). Deprecated since version 2.0 (use je debarcode instead).



  • src/shell/je

    is the wrapper script to call java -jar je_*_bundle.jar

  • src/galaxy/

    contains the Je wrappers for Galaxy

  • src/test/

    holds the different test data