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  • rossum/metaSNV
  • mantas/metaSNV
  • milanese/metaSNV
  • costea/metaSNV
4 results
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......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ Download
Via Git:
git clone
git clone
or [download]( a zip file of the repository.
or [download]( a zip file of the repository.
......@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Dependencies
* [htslib](
* Python-2.7 or above
* numpy
* pandas
#### Installing dependencies on Ubuntu/debian
......@@ -31,7 +33,6 @@ universe repository before):
sudo add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libhts-dev libboost-dev
### Installing dependencies using anaconda
......@@ -39,19 +40,17 @@ universe repository before):
If you use [anaconda](, you can create an
environment with all necessary dependencies using the following commands:
conda create --name metaSNV boost htslib pkg-config
conda create --name metaSNV boost htslib pkg-config numpy pandas
source activate metaSNV
export CFLAGS=-I$CONDA_ENV_PATH/include
If you do not have a C++ compiler, anaconda can also install G++:
conda create --name metaSNV boost htslib pkg-config
conda create --name metaSNV boost htslib pkg-config numpy pandas
source activate metaSNV
# Add this command:
conda install gcc
export CFLAGS=-I$CONDA_ENV_PATH/include
......@@ -64,11 +63,12 @@ Workflow:
## Required Files:
* **'all\_samples'** = a list of all BAM files, one /path/2/sample.bam per line (no duplicates)
* **'ref\_db'** = the reference database in fasta format (f.i. multi-sequence fasta)
* **'all\_samples'** = a list of all BAM files, one /path/2/sample.bam per line (no duplicates)
* **'ref\_db'** = the reference database in fasta format (f.i. multi-sequence fasta)
* **'gen\_pos'** = a list with start and end positions for each sequence in the reference (format: `sequence\_id start end`)
## Optional Files:
* **'db\_ann'** = a gene annotation file for the reference database.
* **'db\_ann'** = a gene annotation file for the reference database (format: ).
## To use one of the provided reference databases:
......@@ -76,184 +76,59 @@ Workflow:
## 2. Run metaSNV project_dir/ all_samples ref_db ref_fasta [options] project_dir/ all_samples ref_db [options]
## 3. Part II: Post-Processing (Filtering & Analysis)
### a) Filtering:
Note: requires SNP calling (Part II) to be done!
Caution: Perform this step seperately for individual SNPs and population SNPs.
positional arguments:
perc_FILE input file with horizontal genome (taxon) coverage (breadth) per sample (percentage covered)
cov_FILE input file with average genome (taxon) coverage
(depth) per sample (average number reads per site)
snp_FILE input files from SNP calling
all_samples list of input BAM files, one per line
output_dir/ output folder
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PERC, --perc PERC Coverage breadth: Horizontal coverage cutoff
(percentage taxon covered) per sample (default: 40.0)
-c COV, --cov COV Coverage depth: Average vertical coverage cutoff per
taxon, per sample (default: 5.0)
Minimum number of sample required to pass the coverage
cutoffs per genome (default: 2)
-s SNPC, --snpc SNPC FILTERING STEP II: SNP coverage cutoff (default: 5.0)
-i SNPI, --snpi SNPI FILTERING STEP II: SNP occurence (incidence) cutoff
within samples_of_interest (default: 0.5)
### b) Analysis:
> TODO: include R scripts for computing pairwise distances and visualization project_dir [options]
Example Tutorial
## 1. Run the setup & compilation steps and download the provided reference database.
## 1. Run the setup & compilation steps and download the provided reference database.
$ ./
Select freeze9, as the tutorial files have been mapped against this freeze.
## 2. Go to the EXAMPLE directory and download the samples with the
$ ./
## 3. Initiate a new project in the parent directory
$ metaSNV_New tutorial
## 4. Generate the 'all_samples' file
$ find `pwd`/EXAMPLE/samples -name “*.bam” > tutorial/all_samples
## 5. Prepare and run the coverage estimation
## 3. Make sample list
$ metaSNV_COV tutorial/ tutorial/all_samples > runCoverage
$ bash runCoverage
$ find `pwd`/EXAMPLE/samples -name “*.bam” > sample_list
## 6. Perform a work load balancing step for run time optimization.
## 4. Run the SNV calling step
$ metaSNV_OPT tutorial/ db/Genomev9_definitions 5
$ bash runCoverage
$ python tutorial sample_list db/freeze9.genomes.RepGenomesv9.fna --threads 8
## 7. Prepare and run the SNV calling step
## 5. Run filtering and post processing
$ metaSNV_SNP tutorial/ tutorial/all_samples db/RepGenomesv9.fna -a db/RefOrganismDB_v9_gene.clean -l tutorial/bestsplits/ > runSNPcall
$ bash runSNPcall
## 8. Run the post processing / filtering steps
### a) Compute allele frequencies for each position that pass the given thresholds.
$ tutorial/ tutorial/ tutorial/snpCaller/called_SNVs.best_split_* tutorial/all_samples tutorial/filtered/pop/
### b) Compute pair-wise distances between samples on their SNP profiles and create a PCoA plot.
$ python tutorial
Voila! Your distances will be in the tutorial/distances folder. Enjoy!
Advanced usage (tools and scripts)
Advanced usage
If you are interested in using the pipeline in a more manual way (for example
the metaSNV caller stand alone), you will find the executables for the
individual steps in the `src/` directory.
metaSNV caller
Calls SNVs from samtools pileup format and generates two outputs.
usage: ./snpCall [options] < stdin.mpileup > std.out.popSNPs
-f, faidx indexed reference genome.
-g, gene annotation file.
-i, individual SNVs.
Note: Expecting samtools mpileup as standard input
### __Output__
1. Population SNVs (pSNVs):
Population wide variants that occur with a frequency of 1 % at positions with at least 4x coverage.
2. Individual specific SNVs (iSNVs):
Non population variants, that occur with a frequency of 10 % at positions with at least 10x coverage.
Computes normal and span coverage from a bam/sam file.
Also counts unmapped and sub-par quality reads.
### __Parameters:__
m - Compute median coverage for each contig/chromosome.
Will make running a bit slower. Off by default.
q [INT] - Quality threshold. Any read with a mapping quality under
INT will be ignored when computing the coverage.
NOTE: bwa outputs mapping quality 0 for reads that map with
equal quality in multiple places. If you want to condier this,
set q to 0.
d - Print coverage histrogram over each individual contig/chromosome.
These details will be printed in file <output>.detail
p [INT] - Print coverage profile to bed file, averaged over given window size.
i - Silent run. Will not print running info to stdout.
If you want to run a lot of samples and would like to use the power of your cluster, we will print out the commands you need to
run and you can decide on how to schedule and manage them.
## 1. Get the first set of commands
s [INT] - Compute span coverage. (Use for mate pair libs)
Instead of actual read coverage, using the options will consider
the entire span of the insert as a read, if insert size is
lower than INT.
For an accurate estimation of span coverage, I recommend
setting an insert size limit INT around 3*std_dev of your lib's
insert size distribution.
$ python tutorial sample_list db/freeze9.genomes.RepGenomesv9.fna --n_splits 8 --print-commands
c [INT] - Maximum X coverage to consider in histogram.
Note the addition of the "--print-commnads". This will print out one-liners that you need to run. When done, run same again.
## 2. Get the second set of commands
$ python tutorial sample_list db/freeze9.genomes.RepGenomesv9.fna --n_splits 8 --print-commands
h [STR] - Use different header.
Because mappers sometimes break the headers or simply don't output them,
this is provieded as a non-kosher way around it. Use with care!
This will calculate the "load balancing" and give you the commands for running the SNV calling.
For more info on the parameteres try ./qaCompute
usage: metaSNV filtering [-h] [-p PERC] [-c COV] [-m MINSAMPLES] [-s SNPC]
[-i SNPI]
perc_FILE cov_FILE snp_FILE [snp_FILE ...]
all_samples output_dir/
metaSNV filtering
positional arguments:
perc_FILE input file with horizontal genome (taxon) coverage
(breadth) per sample (percentage covered)
cov_FILE input file with average genome (taxon) coverage
(depth) per sample (average number reads per site)
snp_FILE input files from SNP calling
all_samples list of input BAM files, one per line
output_dir/ output folder
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PERC, --perc PERC Coverage breadth: Horizontal coverage cutoff
(percentage taxon covered) per sample (default: 40.0)
-c COV, --cov COV Coverage depth: Average vertical coverage cutoff per
taxon, per sample (default: 5.0)
Minimum number of sample that have to pass the
filtering criteria in order to write an output for the
representative Genome (default: 2)
-s SNPC, --snpc SNPC FILTERING STEP II: SNP coverage cutoff (default: 5.0)
-i SNPI, --snpi SNPI FILTERING STEP II: SNP occurence (incidence) cutoff
within samples_of_interest (default: 0.5)
## 3. Run post-processing as usual
$ python tutorial
......@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ download_9() {
[ -d "db" ] || mkdir -p db
cd db
echo "Downloading the archive."
echo "This might take up to 10 minutes."
echo "Extracting files!"
echo "Patience please..."
tar xjvf db_f9.tar.bz2
rm db_f9.tar.bz2
tar xjvf freeze9.tar.bz2
rm freeze9.tar.bz2
......@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ download_11() {
[ -d "db" ] || mkdir -p db
cd db
echo "Downloading the archive."
echo "This might take up to 20 minutes."
echo "Extracting files!"
echo "Patience please..."
tar xjvf db_f11.tar.bz2
rm db_f11.tar.bz2
tar xjvf freeze11.tar.bz2
rm freeze11.tar.bz2
......@@ -51,10 +51,7 @@ def run_sample(sample, command):
def compute_opt(args):
out_dir = path.join(args.project_dir, 'cov')
p = multiprocessing.Pool(args.threads, init_worker)
results = []
for line in open(args.all_samples):
......@@ -76,30 +73,38 @@ def compute_opt(args):
stderr.write("Failure in sample {}".format(sample))
stderr.write("Call to {} failed.".format(' '.join(cmd)))
def split_opt(args):
if args.n_splits > 100:
stderr.write("Maximum number of splits is 100.\n")
older_files = glob(args.project_dir + '/bestsplits/*')
if older_files:
stderr.write("\nremoving old splits.\n")
for f in older_files:
def get_header(args):
use = open(args.all_samples).readline().rstrip()
o = subprocess.check_output(["samtools","view","-H",use]).decode("utf-8")
f = open(args.project_dir + '/bed_header','w')
for line in o.split('\n')[1:]:
line = line.rstrip().split('\t')
if len(line) != 3:
if line[0] == "@SQ":
line[1] = line[1].replace('SN:','')
line[2] = line[2].replace('LN:','')
args.ctg_len = args.project_dir + '/bed_header'
def compute_summary(args):
'''This information is required by'''
project_name = path.basename(args.project_dir)
cov_dir = path.join(args.project_dir, 'cov')
cov_files = glob(cov_dir + '/*.cov')
project_name = path.basename(args.project_dir)
if not cov_files:
if not args.print_commands:
stderr.write("Coverage files not found.\n")
stderr.write("Coverage files not found.\nFinish running the commands prinnted above and then run this command again.\n")
if not args.print_commands:
stderr.write("Coverage files not found.\n")
stderr.write("Coverage files not found.\nFinish running the commands printed above and then run this command again.\n")
for f in cov_files:
cmd = ['python',
path.join(basedir, 'src/'),
path.join(basedir, 'src/'),
f + '.detail',
f + '.summary']
......@@ -107,11 +112,25 @@ def split_opt(args):
print("\nCoverage summary here: {}".format(args.project_dir))
print(" Average vertical genome coverage: '{}/{}'".format(args.project_dir, project_name))
print(" Horizontal genome coverage (1X): '{}/{}'".format(args.project_dir, project_name))
cmd = ['python',
def split_opt(args):
if args.n_splits > 100:
stderr.write("Maximum number of splits is 100.\n")
args.n_splits = 100
older_files = glob(args.project_dir + '/bestsplits/*')
if older_files:
stderr.write("\nremoving old splits.\n")
for f in older_files:
project_name = path.basename(args.project_dir)
print("\nCalculating best database split:")
# usage <> <> <geneDefinitions> <INT_NrSplits> <.outfile>
......@@ -206,7 +225,7 @@ def main():
help='File with an input list of bam files, one file per line')
parser.add_argument("ref_db", metavar='REF_DB_FILE',
help='reference multi-sequence FASTA file used for the alignments.')
parser.add_argument('--db_ann', metavar='BED_FILE',default='',
parser.add_argument('--db_ann', metavar='DB_ANN_FILE',default='',
help='Database gene annotation.')
parser.add_argument('--print-commands', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Instead of executing the commands, simply print them out')
......@@ -214,9 +233,9 @@ def main():
help='Number of jobs to run simmultaneously. Will create same number of splits, unless n_splits set differently.')
parser.add_argument('--n_splits', metavar='INT', default=1,type=int,
help='Number of bins to split ref into')
help='Per contig lengths, required for splitting.')
args = parser.parse_args()
args.project_dir = args.project_dir.rstrip('/')
if not path.isfile(args.ref_db):
ERROR: No reference database or annotation file found!"
......@@ -228,31 +247,27 @@ SOLUTION: run or set up a custom database before running metaSNP cal
if not path.isfile(basedir+"/src/qaTools/qaCompute") or not path.isfile(basedir+"/src/snpCaller/snpCall"):
ERROR: No binaries found
SOLUTION: make\n\n'''.format(basedir))
if (args.n_splits > 1 or args.threads > 1) and args.ctg_len=='':
ERROR: No contig information supplied. Cannot compute splits
SOLUTION: Supply contig information through --ctg_len\n\n'''.format(basedir))
SOLUTION: make\n\n'''.format(basedir))
if args.threads > 1 and args.n_splits==1:
if path.exists(args.project_dir) and not args.print_commands:
stderr.write("Project directory '{}' already exists\n\n\n".format(args.project_dir))
stderr.write("Project directory '{}' already exists\n\n\n".format(args.project_dir))
if args.n_splits > 1:
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os # interacting with operating system
import sys # interact with system commandline
import time # print current date/time
import argparse # manage command line options and arguments
import os
import sys
import argparse
import glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("Numpy is necessary to run postfiltering.\n")
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
sys.stderr.write("Pandas is necessary to run postfiltering.\n")
basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
......@@ -16,98 +23,101 @@ basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# Parse Commandline Arguments
def get_arguments():
Get commandline arguments and return namespace
## Initialize Parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', description='metaSNV post processing', epilog='''Note:''', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
Get commandline arguments and return namespace
## Initialize Parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='', description='metaSNV post processing', epilog='''Note:''', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
# Not Showns:
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 2.0', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 2.0', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
## Population Statistics (Fst - ):
# parser.add_argument("-f", "--fst", action="store_true")
## pNpS ratio:
# parser.add_argument("-n", "--pnps", action="store_true")
# OPTIONAL arguments:
parser.add_argument('-b', metavar='FLOAT', type=float, help="Coverage breadth: Horizontal genome coverage percentage per sample per species", default=40.0)
parser.add_argument('-d', metavar='FLOAT', type=float, help="Coverage depth: Average vertical genome coverage per sample per species", default=5.0)
parser.add_argument('-m',metavar='INT', type=int, help="Minimum number of samples per species", default=2)
parser.add_argument('-c',metavar='FLOAT', type=float, help="FILTERING STEP II: minimum coverage per position per sample per species", default=5.0)
parser.add_argument('-p',metavar='FLOAT', type=float, help="FILTERING STEP II: required proportion of informative samples (coverage non-zero) per position", default=0.50)
parser.add_argument('-b', metavar='FLOAT', type=float, default=40.0,
help="Coverage breadth: minimal horizontal genome coverage percentage per sample per species")
parser.add_argument('-d', metavar='FLOAT', type=float, default=5.0,
help="Coverage depth: minimal average vertical genome coverage per sample per species")
parser.add_argument('-m',metavar='INT', type=int, help="Minimum number of samples per species", default=2)
parser.add_argument('-c',metavar='FLOAT', type=float, help="FILTERING STEP II: minimum coverage per position per sample per species", default=5.0)
parser.add_argument('-p',metavar='FLOAT', type=float, help="FILTERING STEP II: required proportion of informative samples (coverage non-zero) per position", default=0.50)
parser.add_argument('-div',action='store_true',help="Compute diversity measures")
# REQUIRED arguments:
parser.add_argument('projdir', help='project name', metavar='Proj')
return parser.parse_args()
parser.add_argument('projdir', help='project name', metavar='Proj')
return parser.parse_args()
def debugging(taxids_of_interest, header_cov):
'''Sanity check for the Dict of TaxID:Samples'''
nr_keys = 0
taxids_of_interest = []
for key in samples_of_interest:
nr_keys += 1
print("DEBUGGING:\nNr_TaxIDs_of_Interest.keys: {}".format(nr_keys))
'''Sanity check for the Dict of TaxID:Samples'''
nr_keys = 0
taxids_of_interest = []
for key in samples_of_interest:
nr_keys += 1
print("DEBUGGING:\nNr_TaxIDs_of_Interest.keys: {}".format(nr_keys))
# print("\n")
# print("nr_TaxIDs_of_Interest.keys: {}".format(nr_keys))
header = "\t".join(header_cov)
print("DEBUGGING: no. samples in header: {}\n".format(len(header_cov)))
print("DEBUGGING: no. samples in header: {}\n".format(len(header_cov)))
# header = "\t".join(header_cov)
# print("header: {}".format(header))
sys.exit("only filter 1")
sys.exit("only filter 1")
def file_check():
''' Check if required files exist (True / False)'''
args.coverage_file = args.projdir+'/'+args.projdir+''
args.percentage_file = args.projdir+'/'+args.projdir+''
args.all_samples = args.projdir+'/'+'all_samples'
print("Checking for necessary input files...")
if os.path.isfile(args.coverage_file) and os.path.isfile(args.percentage_file):
print("found: '{}' \nfound:'{}'".format(args.coverage_file, args.percentage_file))
sys.exit("\nERROR: No such file '{}',\nERROR: No such file '{}'".format(args.coverage_file, args.percentage_file))
if os.path.isfile(args.all_samples):
print("found: '{}'\n".format(args.all_samples))
sys.exit("\nERROR: No such file '{}'".format(args.all_samples))
''' Check if required files exist (True / False)'''
args.projdir = args.projdir.rstrip('/')
args.coverage_file = args.projdir+'/'+args.projdir.split('/')[-1]+''
args.percentage_file = args.projdir+'/'+args.projdir.split('/')[-1]+''
args.all_samples = args.projdir+'/'+'all_samples'
print("Checking for necessary input files...")
if os.path.isfile(args.coverage_file) and os.path.isfile(args.percentage_file):
print("found: '{}' \nfound:'{}'".format(args.coverage_file, args.percentage_file))
sys.exit("\nERROR: No such file '{}',\nERROR: No such file '{}'".format(args.coverage_file, args.percentage_file))
if os.path.isfile(args.all_samples):
print("found: '{}'\n".format(args.all_samples))
sys.exit("\nERROR: No such file '{}'".format(args.all_samples))
def print_arguments():
## Print Defined Thresholds:
if args.b:
print("threshold: percentage covered (breadth) {}".format(args.b) )
if args.d:
print("threshold: average coverage (depth) {}".format(args.d) )
if args.m:
print("threshold: Min. number samples_of_interest per taxid_of_interest {}".format(args.m) )
if args.c:
print("threshold: Min. position coverage per sample within samples_of_interest {}".format(args.c) )
if args.p:
print("threshold: Min. proportion of covered samples in samples_of_interest {}".format(args.p) )
## Print Defined Thresholds:
if args.b:
print("threshold: percentage covered (breadth) {}".format(args.b) )
if args.d:
print("threshold: average coverage (depth) {}".format(args.d) )
if args.m:
print("threshold: Min. number samples_of_interest per taxid_of_interest {}".format(args.m) )
if args.c:
print("threshold: Min. position coverage per sample within samples_of_interest {}".format(args.c) )
if args.p:
print("threshold: Min. proportion of covered samples in samples_of_interest {}".format(args.p) )
# Example: "Which taxon has at least 10 SoI?"
# --Coverage Conditions:
# Sample of Interest:
# 1. breadth > 40 %
# 1. breadth > 40 %
# 2. depth > 5 X
# --Min. number Samples:
# 3. min samples/TaxID > 10
......@@ -126,9 +136,9 @@ def relevant_taxa(args):
sys.exit("ERROR: Coverage file headers do not match!") #Exit with error message
# Read taxon by taxon (line by line) check coverage conditions (thresholds)
for cov,perc in zip(COV,PER): # Line_cov: TaxID \t cov_valueS1 \t cov_value_S2[...]\n (no white spaces)
for cov,perc in zip(COV,PER): # Line_cov: TaxID \t cov_valueS1 \t cov_value_S2[...]\n (no white spaces)
cstring = cov.split()
pstring = perc.split()
pstring = perc.split()
cov_taxID = cstring.pop(0)
perc_taxID = pstring.pop(0)
coverage = list(map(float, cstring)) # convert list_of_strings 2 list_of_floats (TaxID=INT!)
......@@ -141,10 +151,10 @@ def relevant_taxa(args):
if cov_taxID != perc_taxID: # check if taxIDs match!
sys.exit("ERROR: TaxIDs in the coverage files are not in the same order!")
for c,p in zip(coverage,percentage): # two arrays with floats (taxID pop[removed])
for c,p in zip(coverage,percentage): # two arrays with floats (taxID pop[removed])
sample_count += 1
if c >= args.d and p >= args.b:
if c >= args.d and p >= args.b:
sample_names.append(header_cov[sample_count-1]) # starting at 0 in array
......@@ -165,7 +175,7 @@ def header_comparison(header_cov):
'''Comparing the sample order in the coverage and all_samples file'''
# sort snp_indices by sample_of_interest names
header = "\t".join(header_cov)
#header = "\t".join(header_cov)
#print("\nNr.Samples_cov_header: {}".format(len(header_cov)))
#print("cov_header: {}\n\n".format(header_cov[:10]))
#print("\ncov_header: {}\n {}\n\n".format(len(header_cov),header))
......@@ -174,21 +184,21 @@ def header_comparison(header_cov):
all_samples = open(args.all_samples,'r')
snp_header =
snp_header = [i.split('/')[-1] for i in snp_header] #get name /trim/off/path/to/
snp_header_joined = "\t".join(snp_header)
#print("Nr.Samples in (all_samples): {}".format(len(snp_header)))
#print("all_samples: {}\n".format(snp_header[:10]))
# Compare the sample order in ALL.COV/ALL.PERC and all_samples
#print("Comparing headers..")
#snp_header_joined = "\t".join(snp_header)
#if header == snp_header_joined:
# print("Headers match nicely\n")
# print("CAUTION: Header in COV_FILE does not match the order of samples in the SNP_FILES,\n\t no problem, we took care of it!\n")
return snp_header
return snp_header
# --SNP Conditions (Default):
......@@ -197,21 +207,21 @@ def header_comparison(header_cov):
def filter_two(args, snp_header, snp_files, outdir):
'''position wise filtering'''
header_taxID = ''
snp_taxID = '_'
# print(locals())
for best_split_x in snp_files:
with open(best_split_x, 'r') as file:
for snp_line in file: #position wise loop
snp_taxID = snp_line.split()[0].split('.')[0]#Name of Genome change from . to ]
if snp_taxID not in samples_of_interest.keys():#Check if Genome is of interest
continue #Taxon is not relevant, NEXT!
## SAMPLE FILTER: only load samples with enough coverage
sample_list = samples_of_interest[snp_taxID]#Load Sample List
......@@ -235,9 +245,9 @@ def filter_two(args, snp_header, snp_files, outdir):
nr_good += 1
#FILTER: Position incidence with sufficient coverage:
if float(nr_good)/len(sample_indices) < args.p:#if snp_incidence < x % drop SNP
continue#mainly uninformative position, SNP incidence < x %, SNP droped!
# If at least one position passed cutoffs open file (if new TaxID):
......@@ -248,42 +258,42 @@ def filter_two(args, snp_header, snp_files, outdir):
outfile = open(outdir+'/'+'%s.filtered.freq' % snp_taxID, 'w')
print("Generating: {}".format(outdir+'/'+'%s.filtered.freq' % snp_taxID))
outfile.write('\t' + "\t".join(sample_list) + '\n')
header_taxID = snp_taxID#Jump to current TaxID
#Loop through alternative alleles [5](comma separated):
line_id = ":".join(whole_line[:4])#line_id composed of CHROM:REFGENE:POS:REFBASE
reference_base = whole_line[3]
alt_bases_totalcov = []#total coverage per alt allele
#VCF format
#LOOP Start:
for snp in whole_line[5].split(','):
xS = snp.split('|')
snp_coverage = list(map(float, xS[3:]))#coverage string (unfiltered!)
#Sanity check:
#Sanity check:
if len(site_coverage) != len(snp_coverage):
print("ERROR: SNP FILE {} is corrupted".format(best_split_x))
sys.exit("ERROR: Site coverage and SNP coverage string have uneven length!")
#Compute allele frequency tables:
alt_base = snp.split('|')[1]#alternative base
alt_base = snp.split('|')[1]#alternative base
#FREQUENCY Computation
total_reads = 0
snp_frq = []#frequencies for SNPs (pos >5X in at least 50% of the SoIs)
for index in sample_indices:
#prevent division by zero! TODO:Notify usr about Nonsense Value (f.i. -c = 0!
#prevent division by zero! TODO:Notify usr about Nonsense Value (f.i. -c = 0!
if site_coverage[index] >= args.c and site_coverage[index] != 0:
# WRITE OUTPUT Allele Frequencies (Default)
outfile.write(":".join(snp_line.split()[:4])+'>'+alt_base +':'+ xS[2] + '\t' + "\t".join(str(x) for x in snp_frq) + '\n')
......@@ -300,20 +310,95 @@ def alleledist(d1,d2, threshold=.6):
def computeAllDist(args):
print "Computing distances"
print("Computing distances")
allFreq = glob.glob(args.projdir + '/filtered/pop/*.freq')
for f in allFreq:
data = pd.read_table(f, index_col=0, na_values=['-1']).T
dist = [[l1nonans(data.iloc[i], data.iloc[j]) for i in range(len(data))] for j in range(len(data))]
dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, index=data.index, columns=data.index)
data = pd.read_table(f, index_col=0, na_values=['-1']).T
dist = [[l1nonans(data.iloc[i], data.iloc[j]) for i in range(len(data))] for j in range(len(data))]
dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, index=data.index, columns=data.index)
dist.to_csv(args.projdir+'/distances/'+'%s.mann.dist' % f.split('/')[-1].replace('.freq',''), sep='\t')
dist = [[alleledist(data.iloc[i], data.iloc[j]) for i in range(len(data))] for j in range(len(data))]
dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, index=data.index, columns=data.index)
dist.to_csv(args.projdir+'/distances/'+'%s.allele.dist' % f.split('/')[-1].replace('.freq',''), sep='\t')
dist.to_csv(args.projdir+'/distances/'+'%s.mann.dist' % f.split('/')[-1].replace('.freq',''), sep='\t')
dist = [[alleledist(data.iloc[i], data.iloc[j]) for i in range(len(data))] for j in range(len(data))]
dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, index=data.index, columns=data.index)
dist.to_csv(args.projdir+'/distances/'+'%s.allele.dist' % f.split('/')[-1].replace('.freq',''), sep='\t')
def genetic_distance(sample1, sample2):
'''Pairwise genetic distance'''
# The expression used to compute dist_nd would compute all the necessary
# values if appplied to sample[12]. However, the case where there are no
# duplicates is the majority (often >90% of cases) and can be done much
# faster, so it is special cased here:
sample1nd = sample1.reset_index().drop_duplicates(subset='index', keep=False).set_index('index')
sample2nd = sample2.reset_index().drop_duplicates(subset='index', keep=False).set_index('index')
sample2nd = sample2nd.reindex(index=sample1nd.index)
s1 = sample1nd.values
s2 = sample2nd.values
valid = ~(np.isnan(s1) | np.isnan(s2))
s1 = s1[valid]
s2 = s2[valid]
s1 = np.vstack([s1, 1 - s1])
s2 = np.vstack([s2, 1 - s2])
dist_nd = (s1[0]*s2[1]+s1[1]*s2[0]).sum()
def compute_diversity(x):
out = np.outer(x.s1.values, x.s2.values)
return np.nansum(out) - np.nansum(out.diagonal())
sample1d = sample1.ix[sample1.index[sample1.index.duplicated()]]
sample2d = sample2.ix[sample2.index[sample2.index.duplicated()]]
if not len(sample1d) or not len(sample2d):
# No duplicates
return dist_nd
both = pd.DataFrame({'s1' : sample1d, 's2' : sample2d})
both = both.reset_index()
both = pd.concat([both,(1. - both.groupby('index').sum()).reset_index()])
dist_d = both.groupby('index', group_keys=False).apply(compute_diversity).sum()
return dist_d + dist_nd
def computeAllDiv(args):
# Load external info : Coverage, genomes size, genes size
horizontal_coverage = pd.read_table(args.percentage_file, skiprows=[1], index_col=0)
vertical_coverage = pd.read_table(args.coverage_file, skiprows=[1], index_col=0)
bedfile_tab = pd.read_table(args.projdir + '/bed_header', index_col=0, header=None)
bed_index = [i.split('.')[0] for i in list(bedfile_tab.index)]
bedfile_tab = bedfile_tab.set_index(pd.Index(bed_index))
allFreq = glob.glob(args.projdir + '/filtered/pop/*.freq')
for f in allFreq:
species = int(f.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0])
genome_length = bedfile_tab.loc[str(species), 2].sum()
data = pd.read_table(f, index_col=0, na_values=['-1'])
pre_index = [i.split(':') for i in list(data.index)]
data = data.set_index(pd.Index([item[0] + ':' + item[1] + ':' + item[2] for item in pre_index]))
data = data.sort_index()
# Correcting the coverage by the genome length observed in each pairwise comparison
correction_coverage = [[(min(horizontal_coverage.loc[species, i], horizontal_coverage.loc[species, j]) * genome_length) / 100 for i in data.columns] for j in data.columns]
# Vertical coverage in pi within : AvgCov / (AvgCov - 1)
for j,i in enumerate(data.columns):
correction_within = vertical_coverage.loc[species,i] / (vertical_coverage.loc[species,i] - 1)
correction_coverage[j][j] = correction_coverage[j][j] / correction_within
dist = [[genetic_distance(data.iloc[:, i], data.iloc[:, j]) / correction_coverage[j][i] for i in range(j + 1)] for j in range(len(data.columns))]
FST = [[(1-(dist[i][i]+dist[j][j])/(2*dist[j][i])) for i in range(j + 1)] for j in range(len(dist))]
dist = pd.DataFrame(dist, index=data.columns, columns=data.columns)
FST = pd.DataFrame(FST, index=data.columns, columns=data.columns)
dist.to_csv(args.projdir + '/distances/' + '%s.diversity' % species, sep='\t')
FST.to_csv(args.projdir + '/distances/' + '%s.FST' % species, sep='\t')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# print("globals: {}".format(globals()))
......@@ -346,3 +431,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if args.div:
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def write_matrix(cov, header, ofile):
out.write('\t'.join([header for _ in bamfiles]))
for taxid in sorted(avg_cov.keys(), key=int):
for taxid in sorted(avg_cov.keys()):
c = cov[taxid]
out.write('\t'.join([c[bf] for bf in bamfiles]))
......@@ -526,13 +526,37 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
} else {
if (!userOpt.spanCov) {
//All entries in SAM file are represented on the forward strand! (See specs of SAM format for details)
if ((uint32_t)(core->pos+core->l_qseq) >= chrSize)
//All entries in SAM file are represented on the forward strand! (See specs of SAM format for details)
uint32_t* cigar = bam_get_cigar(b);
uint32_t pp = core->pos+1;
int i = 0;
if(((*cigar) & BAM_CIGAR_MASK) == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP || ((*cigar) & BAM_CIGAR_MASK) == BAM_CHARD_CLIP) {//BWA is actively fucking with me.
//The start of the alignment is reported without this clip.
++cigar; ++i;
while (i<core->n_cigar) {
if (((*cigar) & BAM_CIGAR_MASK) != BAM_CMATCH) {
pp = pp + ((*cigar) >> BAM_CIGAR_SHIFT);
} else {
pp = pp + ((*cigar) >> BAM_CIGAR_SHIFT);
if (pp >= chrSize) {//These are mismatches that actually hang over the end. Silly mapper!
//fprintf(stderr,"you are fucked %d %d\n",pp,chrSize);
} else {
//if ((uint32_t)(core->pos+core->l_qseq) >= chrSize)
// --entireChr[chrSize-1];
// --entireChr[core->pos+core->l_qseq];
} else {
//Computing span coverage.
//Only consider first read in pair! and extend a bit to the end of the insert
......@@ -593,23 +617,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fprintf(stdout,"\nDuplicates:%u \n", duplicates);
//fprintf(stdout,"\nDuplicates:%u \n", duplicates);
//Print header for next table in output file
fprintf(outputFile,"\nCov*X\tPercentage\tNr. of bases\n");
fprintf(stdout,"Total genome lenght %lu \n", totalGenomeLength);
//fprintf(stdout,"Total genome lenght %lu \n", totalGenomeLength);
//Compute procentages of genome cover!.
int i;
for (i=0; i<=userOpt.maxCoverage; ++i) {
if (i == 0) {
fprintf(stdout,"%3.2f of genome has not been covered\n", (double)(coverageHist[i])/totalGenomeLength*100);
//fprintf(stdout,"%3.2f of genome has not been covered\n", (double)(coverageHist[i])/totalGenomeLength*100);
} else {
uint64_t coverage = 0;
//All that has been covered i, had been covered i+1, i+2 and so on times. Thus, do this addition
for (int x = i; x<=userOpt.maxCoverage; ++x) coverage += coverageHist[x];
fprintf(stdout,"%3.2f of genome has been covered at least %dX \n", (double)(coverage)/totalGenomeLength*100, i);
//fprintf(stdout,"%3.2f of genome has been covered at least %dX \n", (double)(coverage)/totalGenomeLength*100, i);
fprintf(outputFile,"%d\t%3.5f\t%lu\n",i, (double)(coverage)/totalGenomeLength*100, coverage);
......@@ -632,7 +656,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fprintf(outputFile, "Number of interchromosomal pairs: %u\n",interChr);
printf("Out of %u reads, you have %3.5f unmapped reads\n and %3.5f sub-par quality mappings\n", totalNumberOfReads ,procentageOfUnmapped, procentageOfZeroQuality);
//printf("Out of %u reads, you have %3.5f unmapped reads\n and %3.5f sub-par quality mappings\n", totalNumberOfReads ,procentageOfUnmapped, procentageOfZeroQuality);
......@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ bool indexGenomeAndGenes(FILE* refGenome, FILE* refGenes) {
filePosStart = strlen(line);//This includes the \n
filePosition p1;
while (fgets(line,10000,refGenes)) {
fileConsumed += strlen(line);
int pos = 0;
const char* rest = toksplit(line,'\t',tok,10000);
while (*rest) {
......@@ -152,6 +151,7 @@ bool indexGenomeAndGenes(FILE* refGenome, FILE* refGenes) {
rest = toksplit(rest,'\t',tok,10000);
fileConsumed += strlen(line);
lineCount += 1;
//Add the last one!
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ bool loadGenome(std::string gName, FILE* refGenes, bool* hasGenes) {
if (pos == 2) {//This is the name!
if ( != 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Reading wrong gene defintions");
fprintf(stderr,"Reading wrong gene defintion for %s\n. Scafold supposed to be %s, but is %s\n.",geneName.c_str(),tok,gName.c_str());
} else if (pos == 6) {//Start